Designer Salaries
Recently, I met an odd guy who, after asking what I do for a living, said “Graphic Designers don’t make any money. A couple of my friends are designers and they got laid off and are poor and work for almost no money.” I resisted the strong urge to punch “strange guy” in the face and instead gave him a death stare and told him his friends probably aren’t very good at what they do. Of course he insisted they are amazing (like everyone insists their designer friends are), but I’m not taking his word for it.
In today’s economy, there are plenty of talented people who are laid off and can’t find another job. Believe me, I’ve been keeping an eye open for other potential job opportunities for the past two years and there is not much out there. However, I do not like being lumped into a group with every single designer who ever lived, because there are a lot of unmotivated designers out there who are content working for very little and have no intent of evolving themselves. On the flip side, I also know many graphic designers who are great photographers, illustrators and web designers as well. You can’t just group us all together in one stereotype.
“Weird guy” wouldn’t have been wrong if he simply said “I have a couple friends who are designers and they were laid off. Now they don’t make much money.” I probably would have felt bad for his friends instead of being angry. The way he phrased it, he put a limit on my capabilities and put a cap on my earning potential without knowing anything about me.
I ended the discussion by saying, “Well it doesn’t matter anyway because I’m not going to be working as a Graphic Designer much longer and I’ll make more money in Design Management anyway!”
I said this in anger, but the truth of the matter is I’m not going back to school so I can make more money. I’m annoyed that “weird guy” had to bring up money at all. I’m going back to school so my work can become more meaningful. As I’ve said before, I feel too boxed in and limited by my current role in the design process. The way I see it, I don’t deserve to make more money if the projects I work on seem meaningless to me and don’t make much of an impact.
Maybe the fact that I feel boxed in by my work was what made “weird guy” and his comments get to me. I don’t want someone else boxing me in when I’m currently pushing to free myself from these limitations. I don’t mean to sound like John Locke, but “don’t tell me what I can’t do!”
A few days prior to this situation, I was looking at the Coroflot 2009 Designer Salary Survey. I figured this rant was a good way to tie in with the salary survey results that I have been thinking about posting for a while.
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