Logo and Identity Design

Commonwealth emergency Physicians Logo

Commonwealth Emergency Physicians Logo

Com­mon­wealth Emer­gency Physi­cians is a mod­er­ate-sized com­mu­ni­ty hos­pi­tal locat­ed in north­ern Vir­ginia. The com­pa­ny want­ed to project a pro­fes­sion­al, mod­ern image that also con­veys excel­lence, time­li­ness, car­ing, and pro­gres­sive think­ing. When I asked the group if there were any logo designs in their field they real­ly liked, I found out they favored the logos that expressed time­li­ness, such as a min­ute­man and an hour­glass. These logos tend­ed to be very tra­di­tion­al. I decid­ed to push the con­cept of an hour­glass to the next lev­el and tie it more into med­i­cine by form­ing an hour­glass shape with a stetho­scope. This form took on a very mod­ern look and was able to project a dou­ble mean­ing.

Coca-Cola Park logo

Coca-Cola Park Logo

This logo was designed for a new base­ball sta­di­um in Allen­town, PA. Coca-Cola want­ed a few vari­a­tions on the logo for dif­fer­ent appli­ca­tions. This includ­ed a pri­ma­ry logo, a lock­up with the team logo and a ver­sion for sig­nage. The ver­sion for sig­nage is meant to be pro­duced on green glass, rem­i­nis­cent of the glass used in old Coca-Cola bot­tles and still used today in many Coca-Cola com­mem­o­ra­tive items.

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