Citi Trends Store Rebranding

Citi Trends Store

Citi Trends is a val­ue-priced fam­i­ly appar­el retail­er with over 350 stores in 22 states. The com­pa­ny is head­quar­tered in Savan­nah, GA. Using the cur­rent Citi Trends logo and col­ors, I cre­at­ed a new iden­ti­ty for in-store sig­nage and print.

One of the chal­lenges of this project was to be edgy enough to appeal to the tar­get sales demo­graph­ic for the store while also address­ing the con­cerns of the more con­ser­v­a­tive exec­u­tives at the com­pa­ny head­quar­ters. The graph­ics need­ed to include lifestyle imagery and cap­ture a city feel. The iden­ti­ty also need­ed to be rel­e­vant for up to three years. The gift cards have been pro­duced, but the in-store con­cepts were nev­er final­ized.

Citi Trends Gift Card

Citi Trends Rebranding