Coca-Cola Packaging

16oz PET 4pk Carrier

16 oz PET 4 pk Carrier

I was asked to design graph­ics for a new 16oz 4pk car­ri­er for the four core Coca-Cola brands. After receiv­ing the die guide, I cut, fold­ed and glued to cre­ate a full-size pro­to­type that I could fit over four 16oz bot­tles. This allowed me to see exact­ly how the pack­age would look before I start­ed design­ing the graph­ics. It was dis­cov­ered that the car­ri­er awk­ward­ly cut off the bot­tle graph­ics when it was lead brand col­or on brand col­or (red on red for Coke, green on green for Sprite, etc). Our design team’s solu­tion was to cre­ate a two-tone design with the car­ri­er so a dif­fer­ent col­or would cut off the bot­tle logos. This also made the car­ri­ers more fun and inter­est­ing. I added bot­tle sil­hou­ettes to the tabs on the top of the car­ri­er both to rein­force the brand iden­ti­ty in that area and to play off the four bot­tles in the pack. I cre­at­ed these pho­to­shop ren­der­ings of the bot­tles in the car­ri­er to show along­side the flat graph­ics so our client could visu­al­ize how the final prod­uct would look.

12oz PET 24pk shrink wrap

12 oz PET 24 pk shrink wraps

Coca-Cola want­ed new brand-dri­ven shrink wraps for their core sparkling bev­er­ages. I designed these pack­ages with sim­ple, straight­for­ward graph­ics, allow­ing con­sumers to tell exact­ly what the prod­uct is even from a dis­tance.

Coca-Cola Holiday packaging 2009

Coca-Cola Holiday 2009

I worked on the 2009 hol­i­day pack­ag­ing for Coca-Cola, Diet Coke and Caf­feine Free Diet Coke. I was also able to design lim­it­ed edi­tion orb bot­tles for sale at select Wal­mart loca­tions. I cre­at­ed the 3D ren­der­ings of the pack­ag­ing shown here in Pho­to­shop for use on Point of Sale (except for the orb bot­tles, which anoth­er design­er ren­dered in Stra­ta). These ren­der­ings were orig­i­nal­ly cre­at­ed just for in-house pre­sen­ta­tions with­in Coke, but our clients were so pleased that they decid­ed to use them as the offi­cial prod­uct shots rather than spend more mon­ey else­where for new prod­uct pho­tog­ra­phy. I have since cre­at­ed more 3D ren­der­ings for oth­er pack­ag­ing jobs.

The orb bot­tles were fea­tured on pack­ag­ing design web­site Novem­ber 30, 2009.

8oz can 24pk shrink wrap

8 oz can 24 pk shrink wraps

The tar­get audi­ence for these 8oz mini cans are moms shop­ping for after school snacks. The pack­ag­ing need­ed to be fun so par­ents would want to buy it as a treat for their kids. I drew sev­er­al straw options for each brand and played around with dif­fer­ent can arrange­ments to match the copy.

Coca-Cola Football Cup

32 oz Football Cup

Coca-Cola need­ed their foot­ball foun­tain cups updat­ed to fit with their new, sim­ple visu­al iden­ti­ty. When design­ing this cup, I want­ed to cre­ate a clean, sophis­ti­cat­ed look that was dis­tinct­ly Coca-Cola with only sub­tle ref­er­ences to foot­ball. One of the illus­tra­tors at Fin­ished Art cre­at­ed these foot­ball laces in the shape of a con­tour bot­tle for anoth­er project where they did not end up being used. I decid­ed to take these laces and place them over a foot­ball shape with a faint pigskin tex­ture. The alter­nat­ing sides of the cup are iden­ti­cal to the gener­ic Coca-Cola foun­tain cups, again ref­er­enc­ing the icon­ic con­tour bot­tle design.

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One Response to “Coca-Cola Packaging”


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  1. […] is usu­al­ly desired and even sought after by die-hard fans and col­lec­tors. Peo­ple loved the Coca-Cola Hol­i­day orb bot­tles that were sold the past few years. Maybe the com­plete change to white was just too much too soon […]

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