Recycling in Savannah

How to Motivate People to Create Better Recycling Habits through Awareness, Education and Convenience

New Recycling Bin Design in Forsyth Park


For my final project in the Design Man­age­ment pro­gram at SCAD, I want­ed to take a clos­er look at recy­cling in Savan­nah, GA. The pur­pose of my study was to reveal a bet­ter way to encour­age and enable recy­cling for Savan­nah res­i­dents, mak­ing it a habit­u­al part of every­day life.

The first thing I did was to research the cur­rent state of recy­cling in Savan­nah. I then need­ed to learn what moti­vates peo­ple to change their habits. From this research, I dis­cov­ered oppor­tu­ni­ties the City of Savan­nah may have to increase recy­cling efforts by imple­ment­ing a new strat­e­gy and visu­al cam­paign.

After send­ing my research find­ings to the City of Savannah’s Recy­cling Coor­di­na­tor, I was asked to join their board. Since I no longer live in Savan­nah, I was unfor­tu­nate­ly unable to take up the posi­tion, but I con­tin­ue to con­sult with the Recy­cling Coor­di­na­tor through email and phone cor­re­spon­dence as the city expands recy­cling efforts.

The fol­low­ing is an overview of my research, the oppor­tu­ni­ties I found, and the design solu­tions that met these needs. If you want to learn even more, you can scroll to the bot­tom of this page and flip through my entire process book.


Savan­nah recent­ly intro­duced sin­gle-stream curb­side recy­cling to city res­i­dents in Jan­u­ary 2009. How­ev­er, with par­tic­i­pa­tion rates at 40%, that still leaves room for 60% of the pop­u­la­tion to be moti­vat­ed to join the effort. There is also the oppor­tu­ni­ty to expand recy­cling to pub­lic spaces, such as squares and parks.

In addi­tion to the many envi­ron­men­tal ben­e­fits of recy­cling, recy­cled mate­ri­als are also valu­able com­modi­ties that pro­vide eco­nom­ic oppor­tu­ni­ties for new and exist­ing mar­kets. There is already a strong mar­ket for recy­clable mate­ri­als in Geor­gia, with more than 900 recy­cling-relat­ed com­pa­nies in the state.

Even with the local mar­ket demand for recy­clable mate­ri­als, it is esti­mat­ed that each year the state of Geor­gia spends $1 mil­lion to throw away $3 mil­lion worth of recy­clables. Approx­i­mate­ly 36% of munic­i­pal sol­id waste dis­posed of in GA is com­posed of com­mon­ly recy­cled mate­ri­als. If cities like Savan­nah could pre­vent more of these recy­clables from end­ing up in the land­fill, local economies would direct­ly ben­e­fit from both a reduc­tion in waste dis­pos­al costs and the growth of busi­ness­es that depend on these recov­ered com­modi­ties.




My strat­e­gy and accom­pa­ny­ing visu­al cam­paign offers a unique approach to encour­ag­ing and enabling increased recy­cling in Savan­nah, GA. Gov­ern­ment, indi­vid­u­als, and busi­ness­es have the oppor­tu­ni­ty to work togeth­er to cre­ate sus­tain­able habits. Unlike tra­di­tion­al cam­paigns intend­ed to sim­ply raise aware­ness about the envi­ron­men­tal impor­tance of recy­cling, this strat­e­gy focus­es on cre­at­ing a path for last­ing change. This path for change is cre­at­ed by address­ing the ratio­nal and emo­tion­al sides of peo­ple as well as the envi­ron­ments in which we work and live.


This method­ol­o­gy is based on prin­ci­ples from the book SWITCH: How to Change Things When Change is Hard by Chip Heath & Dan Heath.


I start­ed off with back­ground research, look­ing at the cur­rent state of recy­cling in Savan­nah and Geor­gia as well as ana­lyz­ing the Geor­gia Recy­cling Cam­paign. I then moved on to con­tex­tu­al research, which includ­ed park obser­va­tions, an online sur­vey, inter­views with Savan­nah Res­i­dents, the cre­ation of user per­sonas, and an inter­view with Nathaniel Glover, City of Savan­nah Recy­cling Coor­di­na­tor.

Recycling Strategy

Recy­cling at Home

After speak­ing with Nathaniel Glover, the city’s Recy­cling Coor­di­na­tor, I learned that the city is plan­ning to imple­ment an incen­tive pro­gram in July in order to reward those who are par­tic­i­pat­ing in the pro­gram. This is a great way to add pos­i­tive rein­force­ment to the cur­rent sys­tem in order to encour­age the ini­tial change as it slow­ly becomes a habit. A sec­ond incen­tive-based approach could be a part­ner­ship with Recy­cle­Bank. With this incen­tive sys­tem, every­one who recy­cles can get rewards rather than just a few ran­dom­ly select­ed par­tic­i­pants.

One oth­er thing the city can do when the incen­tive pro­gram begins is to mail out a progress report to show cit­i­zens how far the city has come in its recy­cling efforts in the past two years. This will keep a solu­tions focus on recy­cling rather than a prob­lems focus, and it shrinks the change while also pro­vid­ing clar­i­ty. Once Savan­nah res­i­dents become more famil­iar with recy­cling, the city can switch to a pay-as-you-throw trash sys­tem. This type of sys­tem encour­ages peo­ple to recy­cle more than they throw away, as well as find oth­er ways to cut down on waste in order to reduce how many bags of trash they cre­ate.

Recy­cling Away from Home

The more a per­son is exposed to some­thing, the more they will like it. In order to ral­ly the herd and cap­i­tal­ize on this “mere expo­sure effect” we must have more recy­cling bins in pub­lic places. This will help make recy­cling as rou­tine as throw­ing items in the trash. Cur­rent­ly, the City of Savan­nah has no plans for plac­ing recy­cle bins in pub­lic areas because all the mon­ey has been used up from the grant they received for curb­side recy­cling. Also, they are con­cerned that peo­ple will acci­den­tal­ly con­t­a­m­i­nate the bins due to lack of knowl­edge or aware­ness about recy­cling.

One way the City can cov­er the cost of bins and the haul­ing of mate­ri­als is by cre­at­ing a pro­gram where busi­ness­es and pri­vate cit­i­zens can pay to spon­sor or adopt recy­cling bins. This can either be done by a flat fee up front or by a year­ly fee. The spon­sor name or logo will appear on the bin. Spon­sors will also receive stick­ers that they can place on a win­dow or wher­ev­er they like to show that they are sup­port­ing the City’s recy­cling efforts. This plan allows for the City of Savan­nah to work togeth­er with busi­ness­es and pri­vate cit­i­zens to cre­ate a path for change.

This strat­e­gy has the poten­tial to improve the ratio­nal, emo­tion­al and envi­ron­men­tal fac­tors affect­ing a person’s deci­sion to recy­cle. We will be cre­at­ing a shared iden­ti­ty for res­i­dents of Savan­nah, where the com­mu­ni­ty can come togeth­er for a local cause, both by recy­cling and by sup­port­ing those who adopt recy­cling bins. We can also add incen­tives to this out­door recy­cling strat­e­gy by plac­ing the Recy­cle­Bank logo and a unique reward code on each bin. This will encour­age more peo­ple to recy­cle since they can earn points towards rewards online from Recy­cle­Bank every time they go to a new bin.

The plan I devel­oped has four phas­es, start­ing with the launch of a web­site and 20 spon­sored bins placed in Forsyth Park. The bins will be mon­i­tored for con­t­a­m­i­na­tion, and the amount of recy­clables col­lect­ed will be tracked. If phase one is suc­cess­ful, the city can move on to the oth­er phas­es.

Outdoor Strategy Phases

Busi­ness Mod­el Can­vas

A busi­ness mod­el describes the ratio­nale of how an orga­ni­za­tion cre­ates, deliv­ers, and cap­tures val­ue. This busi­ness mod­el serves as a blue­print for the new away-from-home recy­cling strat­e­gy.

Business Model Canvas

Visual Strategy

Con­sis­tent Visu­als

Savannah Recycling Bin Concept

In order to increase recy­cling par­tic­i­pa­tion rates, the City of Savan­nah must bring more clar­i­ty and trans­paren­cy to the recy­cling process through con­sis­tent graph­ics across all plat­forms. This will strength­en the over­all mes­sage and strategy.These visu­als will need to be present on all the mate­ri­als in the recy­cling edu­ca­tion com­plex, the City of Savan­nah recy­cling web­site and on all recy­cling bins. My pro­posed visu­al strat­e­gy includes a four-pronged approach aimed at pro­vid­ing clar­i­ty, trans­paren­cy, val­ue and vis­i­bil­i­ty.

Recy­cling Bin Graph­ics

This is a design con­cept for the recy­cling bin to be used as part of the Adopt-A-Bin pro­gram. The trans­par­ent bin will reduce the risk of acci­den­tal con­t­a­m­i­na­tion because peo­ple will be able to clear­ly see that this is not a trash can. This new recy­cling bin will attract atten­tion with bright col­ors and inter­est­ing graph­ics. The place­ment of the top graph­ics on the bin are clos­er to eye lev­el in order for peo­ple to eas­i­ly read the instruc­tions. The bot­tom sec­tion of the bin will show what the col­lect­ed recy­clables can be used to cre­ate local­ly in Geor­gia. This will form an emo­tion­al con­nec­tion between peo­ple and the cause.

Savannah Recycling Ad

Cam­paign Visu­als

The fol­low­ing visu­als were cre­at­ed to serve as a frame­work for a poten­tial new recy­cling cam­paign. This cam­paign will focus on cre­at­ing an emo­tion­al attach­ment between Savan­nah cit­i­zens and the cause. There will be an empha­sis on the abil­i­ty to make a big impact local­ly through small changes in habit. The focus will be on val­ue and how it is a waste to send our resources to a land­fill. The graph­ics will include the col­or cod­ing from the bin visu­als that match up with the mate­r­i­al cat­e­go­ry the adver­tise­ment is ref­er­enc­ing. The pho­tos used should always show peo­ple, and it is even bet­ter if the peo­ple shown can be mul­ti-gen­er­a­tional in order to rep­re­sent the future of Savan­nah.

Visu­als Test

A visu­als test was con­duct­ed in order to see if the new graph­ics are clear­ly com­mu­ni­cat­ing what can and can­not be recy­cled in the City of Savan­nah. This test­ing is impor­tant in order to ensure that the graph­ics will be effec­tive in pre­vent­ing con­t­a­m­i­na­tion. Par­tic­i­pants were asked to sort a bin full of items into groups for what can and can­not be recy­cled, based on the graph­ics they were shown.

For the most part, par­tic­i­pants sort­ed all the items cor­rect­ly after being shown the new graph­ics. How­ev­er, there was some con­fu­sion about what wax-coat­ed card­board is and whether or not a milk car­ton can be recy­cled. This means it may be ben­e­fi­cial to put “milk car­ton” as an exam­ple in the “do not” sec­tion for card­board.

Bin Prototype

Next Steps

Fur­ther Test­ing and Pro­to­type Devel­op­ment

Although some ini­tial test­ing and pro­to­typ­ing was com­plet­ed with the new bin design and graph­ics, more con­tex­tu­al research must be done in order to ensure clar­i­ty of com­mu­ni­ca­tions. We want to make cer­tain that con­t­a­m­i­nants will not acci­den­tal­ly make it into a bin because the graph­ics are not clear to every­one.

The City of Savan­nah is con­sid­er­ing using parts of my strat­e­gy as they move for­ward with involv­ing busi­ness­es in recy­cling efforts. I con­tin­ue to con­sult with the Recy­cling Board, and I am try­ing to cre­ate more oppor­tu­ni­ties for oth­er SCAD stu­dents to work with the City of Savan­nah so they can make a dif­fer­ence in the com­mu­ni­ty.

For more infor­ma­tion, please feel free to flip through my process book:

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2 Responses to “Recycling in Savannah”


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  1. […] many plants can only recy­cle cer­tain plas­tics, peo­ple are often con­fused about what they can and can’t recy­cle. Hope­ful­ly this tech­nol­o­gy will even­tu­al­ly help to recov­er and recy­cle more plas­tics around the […]

  2. […] Info­graph­ic: Why Don’t Amer­i­cans Recycle?.Just half of Amer­i­cans recy­cle dai­ly, and 13 per­cent don’t recy­cle at all. Most peo­ple rec­og­nize the ben­e­fits of recy­cling, but they’re often not sure which items can be recy­cled and find the process incon­ve­nient and time-con­sum­ing (a top­ic of per­son­al inter­est to me). […]

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