Brand Design

Website Strategy and Design for Finished Art, Inc.

Objec­tive Fin­ished Art was con­sid­er­ing cre­at­ing a blog, but the com­pa­ny was not sure whether it was worth the effort or how the blog would actu­al­ly work. Dur­ing some free time, I decid­ed to sit down and think about whether a blog could be a good idea for the com­pa­ny and what ben­e­fits and chal­lenges […]

Year of the Dragon

Well, it has been over a month since I’ve post­ed any­thing, and life has been pret­ty busy and excit­ing for me. The year of the drag­on is off to a fan­tas­tic start! To start off the new year, I decid­ed I would take a chance and present a strat­e­gy for a web­site redesign to the […]

Building a New Brand

Building a New Brand

Set­ting the Foun­da­tion With my back­ground in Graph­ic Design, I have designed visu­al iden­ti­ties for exist­ing brands, but I’ve nev­er had the oppor­tu­ni­ty to devel­op the frame­work for a new brand from the ground up. At SCAD, I was able to work with five oth­er stu­dents from dif­fer­ent dis­ci­plines in a spon­sored col­lab­o­ra­tive design class […]

Citi Trends Store Rebranding

Citi Trends is a val­ue-priced fam­i­ly appar­el retail­er with over 350 stores in 22 states. The com­pa­ny is head­quar­tered in Savan­nah, GA. Using the cur­rent Citi Trends logo and col­ors, I cre­at­ed a new iden­ti­ty for in-store sig­nage and print.

Logo and Identity Design

Com­mon­wealth Emer­gency Physi­cians Logo Com­mon­wealth Emer­gency Physi­cians is a mod­­er­ate-sized com­mu­ni­ty hos­pi­tal locat­ed in north­ern Vir­ginia. The com­pa­ny want­ed to project a pro­fes­sion­al, mod­ern image that also con­veys excel­lence, time­li­ness, car­ing, and pro­gres­sive think­ing. When I asked the group if there were any logo designs in their field they real­ly liked, I found out they […]