Design Thinking

We Need a Mind Shift

In this video, Lewis Pugh dis­cuss­es his jour­ney to com­plete a swim in a melt­wa­ter lake on the slopes of Mount Ever­est. This jour­ney taught him a rad­i­cal new way to approach swim­ming as well as a new way to think about glob­al cli­mate change.Pugh learned two impor­tant lessons on Mt. Ever­est: Just because some­thing […]

The Launch of OpenIDEO

Intro­duc­tion to OpenIDEO / from IDEO on Vimeo. This week, IDEO launched an open idea gen­er­a­tion plat­form called OpenIDEO. It is a place where any­one, not just design­ers, can con­tribute ideas, become inspired and eval­u­ate the ideas of oth­ers. The thing I like most about OpenIDEO is the fact that it uses col­lab­o­ra­tion to […]

The Four Phases of Design Thinking

The Four Phas­es of Design Think­ing: Ques­tion. Care. Con­nect. Com­mit.

Inspiration, Brainstorming and the Creative Process

A col­lec­tion of arti­cles and videos cov­er­ing the top­ics of inspi­ra­tion, brain­storm­ing and the cre­ative process.

The Design Imperialism Debate

As soon as I wrote my post about Emi­ly Pilloton’s Design Rev­o­lu­tion Road­show, my hus­band was quick to show me this arti­cle writ­ten by Bruce Nuss­baum over at Fast Com­pa­ny: Is Human­i­tar­i­an Design the New Impe­ri­al­ism? This arti­cle has caused quite a stir in the design com­mu­ni­ty. At first glance, I found the arti­cle to […]

Design Revolution Roadshow: Changing the World by Design

What began as a tour for Emi­ly Pilloton’s book, “Design Rev­o­lu­tion: 100 Prod­ucts that Empow­er Peo­ple,” end­ed up becom­ing much more. Pil­lo­ton used her 2009 Sap­pi Ideas that Mat­ter Grant to turn the book tour into a mobile exhi­bi­tion with work­shops and lec­tures geared towards inspir­ing the next gen­er­a­tion of young design­ers and pro­mot­ing the idea that design can have a pos­i­tive social impact.

Design Thinking: A Solution to Fracture-Critical Systems

This inter­view with Tom Fish­er, Dean, Col­lege of Design at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Min­neso­ta, dis­cuss­es the val­ue of design think­ing in solv­ing many prob­lems with “frac­ture-crit­i­cal sys­tems” that we have seen recent­ly as well as the increas­ing impor­tance of a design edu­ca­tion.