Marco Tempest: The magic of truth and lies and iPods

This is very enter­tain­ing to watch. In this TED Talk, magi­cian Mar­co Tem­pest uses three iPods as props to dis­cuss truth and lies, art and emo­tion. I can’t imag­ine how long it took to exe­cute this per­fect­ly!

Marian Bantjes: Intricate beauty by design | Video on

Mar­i­an Ban­t­jes: Intri­cate beau­ty by design | Video on In this video, Mar­i­an Ban­t­jes explains how she built her career by throw­ing her indi­vid­u­al­i­ty into projects – some­thing few design­ers get the chance to do on a reg­u­lar basis.