Change By Design: How Design Thinking Transforms Organizations and Inspires Innovation

Today I final­ly fin­ished read­ing Tim Brown’s Change by Design, after start­ing the book at the end of April and tak­ing a long break. I was too dis­tract­ed by my future plans— fig­ur­ing out where I would be mov­ing this fall and how I would get there— so I just put the book aside. I’m […]

The Launch of OpenIDEO

Intro­duc­tion to OpenIDEO / from IDEO on Vimeo. This week, IDEO launched an open idea gen­er­a­tion plat­form called OpenIDEO. It is a place where any­one, not just design­ers, can con­tribute ideas, become inspired and eval­u­ate the ideas of oth­ers. The thing I like most about OpenIDEO is the fact that it uses col­lab­o­ra­tion to […]