Coca-Cola Arctic Home White Cans: Good Move?
Recently, Coca-Cola has received some backlash from the release of the Arctic Home white cans. It is the first time in the company’s 125-year history that the cans are not mostly red. So, was the decision to produce these limited-edition white cans a good one or was it a poor strategy to raise awareness?
Method Ocean Plastic Initiative
Method is known as an industry innovator with its eco-conscious line of household and personal care products. The company’s latest innovation in sustainable packaging is a bottle made out of plastic that washed up on beaches from the North Pacific Gyre, often referred to as the Great Pacific Garbage Patch or the Pacific Trash Vortex.
Coca-Cola Packaging
16 oz PET 4 pk Carrier I was asked to design graphics for a new 16oz 4pk carrier for the four core Coca-Cola brands. After receiving the die guide, I cut, folded and glued to create a full-size prototype that I could fit over four 16oz bottles. This allowed me to see exactly how the […]